Avis Veldt

Avis Veldt - Astrologer

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Dr. Avis Veldt has been an astrologer since 1972. She studied with Emma Belle Donath (former President AFA) and Elizabeth Valentine Bacon.

As a writer, Avis has been published in such publications as Manifest Reality, Dell Horoscope, Astrozine and others. She is also a weekly contributor to several newsletters that are dedicated to spiritual development.


Millenium Now-2000

XAffirmations for Each Sign

XInteresting Links

XMindful Meditation for Peace


Millenium Now - 2000

Your Horoscopes for the New Millenium

Aries: Change will be your middle name in the New Century. Prepare to take care of others, as more responsibility will be your mission at this time. You can expect to find a partner who will create more passion in your life.

Taurus: Your spirit of cooperation will be tested in this coming New Century. You may find yourself wanting less and less responsibility and more and more recreation. You will find yourself seeking new methods of spiritual development and can create a new world for yourself that is more earthy and reflective of your sensuous nature.

Gemini: Transformation is the keyword for you in the New Century. Creative ways to increase your income are at focus. A compounded need for companionship and sexual expression will lead you to either create a new relationship outside an existing relationship or will find you taking the plunge into marriage. Partners will be diverse and somehow difficult.

Cancer: The responsibility of friendship will increase in this New Year. You will find associations become more important to you. You may take a position of responsibility. You will find yourself seeking help to solve some difficult family situations and the help of a professional will enable you to save what seemed like an impossible situation.

Leo: Excitement continues in your life this New Year and New Century. Your will take control of some issues that you may have left to a spouse or partner in the past. Your creativity will peak and you will find yourself caught up in a new endeavor that will truly challenge your skills. Prepare to take on a battle that will take persistence for you to win.

Virgo: Create a way for you to express yourself in a less critical way. You may find a lifelong habit of criticism may turn on you if you do not make extra effort to change this behavior. You may find others less understanding as you seek out ways to redeem yourself and not be as quick to find fault. Your mission in the New Century will have a lot to do with learning to enhance your nurturing skills.

Libra: Increased responsibility is forecast for the New Century as you are given some major projects or jobs to complete. You could find yourself in the uncomfortable position of management and you can use your charm to fake the skills you need as you learn on the job. Increases in your personal resources are definitely indicated.

Scorpio: Dramatic changes in your sex life are indicated. It may be that you become involved in Tantra or some other type of sexual magic. Celibacy may become a choice as you become less interested in people to have sex with as you are drawn to express your passion in a spiritual rather than a material way. You could find yourself in training for a new career emphasizing healing or helping those less fortunate. Volunteerism in the New Century could be a blessing to many.

Sagittarius: The passion for spiritual transformation will continue to grow in the New Century. You could be in the forefront of a new movement that could change the way many think about ritual expression of religion or worship. Your ability to express your thoughts to others will grow stronger over the next three years. A change in your home environment may lead you to foreign shores or at least a place that is unique and totally different from what you have experienced in the past.

Capricorn: Sudden changes in the trends of your financial resources are indicated in the New Century. You will find yourself being more comfortable with yourself financially and even begin to feel a little safer. Investments during the first half of the year will be lucky. Creative management of staff will lead to greater admiration from those who work with you and for you. You may have to accept being the center of attention. Home fires will burn bright as a new addition to the family is a real possibility.

Aquarius: This is definitely your year. As you come closer to your birthday in 2000, you will find yourself getting more and more excited as you feel a major turning point happening in your life. By the time the year has ended you will look back and not recognize the life and lifestyle that you had when the New Century began. You have a major mission to complete that will effect not only you but will have a major ripple effect on thousands if you are willing to hear the call of your muse.

Pisces: This New Year will finally allow you to manifest both your fish swimming in the same direction. You are finally going to be able to resolve some major dichotomies and stop fighting against your own happiness and contentment. You will find yourself dancing in a happier way. You will find yourself singing a happier song. You will find yourself whistling while you work. In other words, happiness can be yours if you just let go and let fate follow its course. Additions to the family would not be unexpected.

Affirmations for Each Sign

Affirmations are positive statements that one creates to communicate with one's subconscious mind. The repetition of an affirmation trains and educates the mind to accept the affirmed reality as a possibility and then directs the self to manifest this reality.


When the mind has accepted this new reality it cannot help but manifest. What one thinks is perceived not only by the self but by the universal self (God-spirit). When you talk to yourself in negative ways, the mind and universe manifest your world in a negative way. When you talk to yourself in positive ways, the positive is then manifest.

In constructing an affirmation use the following formula:

  1. Make the statement positive with no negative words. (i.e.; "I no longer hate others" will not work. "I love others" works big time.)
  2. Make your affirmation as short as possible and use an active voice. (i.e.: Everyday in every way, I am better and better and better.)
  3. Repetition is mandatory for positive effect. Repeat your affirmation a minimum of three times a day -- morning, noon, and night. Six times a day would be helpful.
  4. Time for behavior change is important. Use the same affirmation for at least 28 days. It is even more effective if you start a new affirmation on the advent of a New Moon.
  5. Make your affirmations a private affair. Even the best intentioned friends can create negative feedback that will dilute or destroy your affirmation work.
  6. Keep a journal of your affirmations. It would be helpful to write your affirmations 20 plus times a day in your journal. Also, look for signs in your universe that your affirmation is working and write it down in your journal. An example of a working affirmation would be: You have affirmed greater prosperity and you find a quarter on the street. This is a sign from the universe. Write it down in your journal and bless your prosperity. You have affirmed greater love in your life and a friend does a kindness for you. This is a sign from the universe. Write it down in your journal and express your thanks for increased love in your life.

I have created a sample affirmation for each sign based upon some of the astrological opportunities for persona growth in the New Century. You may feel free to use these according to the above instructions or to modify them based upon the above guidelines.


Aries: I am powerful and allow myself to be vulnerable and accept responsibility.

Taurus: I create a sensuous and loving environment where I feel content.

Gemini: I am open to exciting new opportunities.

Cancer: I allow balance and harmony to create my life.

Leo: I express leadership in a kind and generous manner.

Virgo: I compliment others and accept divine perfection in all.

Libra: I attract and maintain prosperity and abundance.

Scorpio: I attract and accept my perfect spiritual partner.

Sagittarius: I allow the universe to unfold for my perfect spiritual expression.

Capricorn: I allow myself to enjoy newfound prosperity and happiness.

Aquarius: I accept my divine mission in life.

Pisces: I attract and accept contentment and happiness in my life.

mindful meditation for peace

Meditation can create a more peaceful world for you individually and this has a ripple effect. You can have an effect on those in your family if you are at peace. You can have an effect on your business if you are at peace. You can have an effect on the world if you are at peace.

Mindful meditation is very simple. You don't need to pay thousands of dollars to a guru for a mantra. You don't need a zen garden. All you need is you, your mind, and a few moments.

When you start, it is best if you develop this habit by choosing a quiet place to meditate. In time as your habit of meditation becomes more ingrained you will be able to do it in the most stressful, hectic environment.

The Key is Observation. Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Observe your breathing. That is it. That is all you have to do. Sounds easy. It is until you start and that is why practice is important. As you watch yourself breathing in and breathing out, other things will try to distract you. Thoughts. Noises. Kids. Things. Don't worry. When your mind wanders, just observe and direct your observation back to your breathing.

After a period of time, you will learn to become focused. Then you can bring your focus to your affirmation. Always when you start to meditate begin by just observing your breath. When you are totally focused, then you can begin to repeat your affirmation. In this exercise an appropriate affirmation would be:

I am at peace and experience harmony and contentment.

After repeating your affirmation about twenty times, return to just observing your breath. Then slowly open your eyes and focus on the world around you.

As you develop the discipline of the practice of mindful observation, you will find that you can be in any situation and by just focusing on your breathing your chained affirmation (in this case peace) will flow through your being and you will be centered and better able to cope. It works in the reverse also. You can be in a stressful situation and just repeat your affirmation to yourself and you will automatically start to relax and breath in a comfortable way.

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Visit Myriam Ruthchild de Serna-Maytorena at Manifest Reality. You can receive Myriam's weekly free e-mail horoscopes by e-mail to her at [email protected].